CHANNELS of Engagement

STARTING OUT: we identify the channel we are tuned into for each specific experience. All engagements commence with an observation session(s) and, often, deployment of an assessment tool. These provide findings to shape our path forward, with each unique RACE, RULES, COMPETITION, and PRIZE in clear focus.


Retained corporate clients with a specific need(s) start via path forward doc that often expands as the relationship blossoms. Curriculum is hybrid of current content and specific needs, modifications, add-ins. Programming is tailored to the organization’s mission, while supporting individual growth and attainment of established, measurable KPIs. 


Performance coaching for founders, owners, executives and their immediate teams. PALIO methodology distills a clearer vision of the desired state, and stimulates movement past milestones at an appropriately aggressive pace.


One-off and limited engagement speaking on topical areas of expertise or client-driven themes. Events include: keynotes, product launches, team building, among other experiences to spark excitement and set people in motion.



Your clients, your content – delivered with renown PALIO gusto. Program design, relationship management and new opportunity discovery are available services beyond pure facilitation.

CHANNELS of Engagement

STARTING OUT: we identify the channel we are tuned into for each specific experience. All engagements commence with an observation session(s) and, often, deployment of an assessment tool. These provide findings to shape our path forward, with each unique RACE, RULES, COMPETITION, and PRIZE in clear focus.


Retained corporate clients with a specific need(s) start via path forward doc that often expands as the relationship blossoms. Curriculum is hybrid of current content and specific needs, modifications, add-ins. Programming is tailored to the organization’s mission, while supporting individual growth and attainment of established, measurable KPIs. 


One-off and limited engagement speaking on topical areas of expertise or client-driven themes. Events include: keynotes, product launches, team building, among other experiences to spark excitement and set people in motion.



Your clients, your content – delivered with renown PALIO gusto. Program design, relationship management and new opportunity discovery are available services beyond pure facilitation.

ARENAS of Engagement

President Theodore Roosevelt spoke of the Man in the Arena as the figurative acknowledgement (and challenge) of boldness – to seize the moment, own the opportunity and perform to the highest level.  While certainly dynamic in an ever-changing landscape, below is a graphic of the arenas in which we engage with clients: 

ARENAS of Engagement

President Theodore Roosevelt spoke of the Man in the Arena as the figurative acknowledgement (and challenge) of boldness – to seize the moment, own the opportunity and perform to the highest level.  While certainly dynamic in an ever-changing landscape, below is a graphic of the arenas in which we engage with clients:

Advisory Board Construction

Performers at the highest level share a commitment to counsel by trusted advisors. Define the parameters, invite the membership and set the tone for strategic advisement with a well-constructed advisory board tailored to your capability, need, and ambition.

Technology Integration

More than ever, technology plays a pivotal role in accomplishing the task at hand, inspiring the team, engaging the marketplace, and surpassing the competition. Proper selection and integration saves resources and time, while igniting opportunity across the brand.

Client Acquisition & Retention

Selling is a dirty enterprise. Create a compelling buying environment to accentuate your value proposition with confidence and authenticity. Design a dependable process to differentiate your engagement with prospective clients and new hires from the onset.

Curating Client Experiences

From your first impression to your lasting impression, a well-designed experience will inspire deeper relationships, abundant referrals and safeguard against less-intriguing competitive interests.

Mastermind Sessions

Much more than traditional peer study groups – intensely focused and dedicated day/multi-day events geared to hone business acumen and fortify core competencies.

Communication Styles

75% of the world exhibits different behavioral preferences. Understanding each style is the first step toward compressing the time necessary to identify and flex toward your audience, to control more favorable outcomes.

Keynote Address

Celebrate the event with intelligent, impactful and tailored comments delivered by energetic, enthusiastic and compelling speakers. Receive recognition for creating a lasting memory for the organization.

Time Blocking & Prioritization

Break the chains of calendar slavery while owning a more robust and effective program each week. Enlist technology and learn the habits of efficiency and potency to reduce the stress of a disorganized schedule.

Presentation Skills

Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, affects nearly 75% of the population. Instill a manageable set of skills to overcome anxiety, prepare with ease and present with poise regardless of the audience. Control your impact whether socially networking, closing the deal, presenting to the board, or on the big stage.

Owning Your Leadership Style

What got you to the C Suite may not keep you there. Build upon the brand that’s known and loved while permitting some vulnerability to identify the next you. Shape your organizational impact and define your legacy.

Product Launch

Punctuate the launch with a custom event or announcement. Dig into the sensory experience to stimulate interest and generate sales even pre-launch.

Coaching for High Performance

The first rungs of the ladder are the most stable. As you ascend, external factors begin to pose a risk to attaining the next level. Similarly, on the individual journey of leadership, each achievement requires: evaluation, recalculation, imagination and preparation – before, finally, execution.

Team Development & Alignment

Silent killers of an organization include: overdosing on caffeine, fantasy football and misalignment of goals. Sustainably farmed java and QBs who can scramble aside, your people are your greatest asset. Fostering developmentally honest communication in a culture balanced by accountability yields remarkable feats of team strength. May also lead to improvement of enterprise value.


Not the cattle prod, but close. Why buy the brand that is YOU? What distinguishes YOU? Not the features and benefits of your widget, or the well-stocked staff pantry. It is the visceral reaction people have to YOU – that compels them to buy, buy again, and tell others to do the same. For your company, as well.

Kickoff Events

Fire up the team! Recognize your champions! Begin a new period with excitement! Craft an experience like no other, that comprises the elements of culture, brand and vision to break from the starting block energized and aligned on the mission.

Workspace Design

First came the transition to open architecture flex-space, combining industrial materials with creature comforts for the more agile, forward-looking workforce. Now we contemplate the safe, secure, spaced-out and sterile demands of the post-covid world.

Galvanizing Culture

Buzz-worthy but essential in today’s values oriented world. Consider the environment, the energy, the education, the mission and make it real for all of your people. There are a multitude of ways to identify, accentuate and grow the culture of an organization, so start now with taking the first step forward.

Succession Planning

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Thus planning for the heir to one’s throne is often multi-faceted, complex, and downright frustrating. We have worked – realtime – to create a report card that helps all parties feel empowered, experience growth, and arrive at the clear choice(s) for succession. Not easy, but with proper planning and sufficient lead time, a rewarding exercise beyond initial expectations.

Walk & Talk

Some people like boardrooms, others like ball games. We like long – sometimes strenuous – walks in nature. Call it primal, or good stim for the senses, or just a nature-ly comfortable environment to speak openly – it works. We engage in deeper-level discussions and analysis, and the endorphins released coat our experience in positivity.

C-Suite Consigliere

While we cannot confirm nor deny the legitimacy of our clients’ businesses, often they are solely responsible for the toughest of decisions – with few trusted advisors they trust to bare all with. Enter Joe with soft ears, buttoned-lips, and the credibility to effectively counsel the highest-powered CEOs, most cerebral engineers, and garage-entrepreneurs just the same. Absolute trust, the utmost discretion and unconflicted perspectives are hallmarks of these built-over-time relationships.

Client Relations

Immediately after your team, clients are your most valuable asset – and the ones that fuel the machine. Not only by paying for goods and services, but generating buzz, providing referrals, writing five-star reviews, and of course, buying again and again. If CRM is not in your tech stack, then we help acquire and integrate one. If your CRM is underused, we pinpoint why and facilitate the shift toward daily interaction (hourly, even). All the while, we polish up the client experience and instill impactful improvements to deepen and widen your reach.

Outsourced C-Suite

Whether small and nimble, in transition or growing rapidly – we help identify the role(s) and introduce appropriate talent to fill CFO, COO, CMO, CCO, and CTO posts. Engagements span 6-12 months, and often expand into permanent posts. Inquiries and identities are kept confidential.

Mastering Remote Leadership

Long before WFH, virtual presence was gifted to leaders as a means to draw talent from across geography. Current exposure has accelerated the opportunity to lead confidently and with impact from afar, given some fundamentals and consistent effort.

Advisory Board Construction

Performers at the highest level share a commitment to counsel by trusted advisors. Define the parameters, invite the membership and set the tone for strategic advisement with a well-constructed advisory board tailored to your capability, need, and ambition.

Technology Integration

More than ever, technology plays a pivotal role in accomplishing the task at hand, inspiring the team, engaging the marketplace, and surpassing the competition. Proper selection and integration saves resources and time, while igniting opportunity across the brand.

Client Acquisition & Retention

Selling is a dirty enterprise. Create a compelling buying environment to accentuate your value proposition with confidence and authenticity. Design a dependable process to differentiate your engagement with prospective clients and new hires from the onset.

Curating Client Experiences

From your first impression to your lasting impression, a well-designed experience will inspire deeper relationships, abundant referrals and safeguard against less-intriguing competitive interests.

Mastermind Sessions

Much more than traditional peer study groups – intensely focused and dedicated day/multi-day events geared to hone business acumen and fortify core competencies.

Communication Styles

75% of the world exhibits different behavioral preferences. Understanding each style is the first step toward compressing the time necessary to identify and flex toward your audience, to control more favorable outcomes.

Keynote Address

Celebrate the event with intelligent, impactful and tailored comments delivered by energetic, enthusiastic and compelling speakers. Receive recognition for creating a lasting memory for the organization.