Calling: David Letterman!

In the tradition of Italian-American NYers – a little sarcasm at the expense of our peculiar-ness during #CampQuarantine. Here are my Top 10 COVID19 Silver Linings (feel free to join in below):

#10: For the WFH set: Guilt-free reset introduction to neighbors you’ve had for several years but never shared more than a “howyadoin?” with.

#9: For our beloved Spring Breakers: You are exempt from funneling beer after everyone at the party has gnawed on the nozzle.

#8: No more dead fish handshakes from the sweaty-palm introvert.

#7: No more vice-grip knuckle-crushers from the ultra-alpha sales dude.

#6: Grandpa’s yellowed handkerchief collection will at long last be decommissioned.

#5: Fans rocking out in general admission will no longer have their beers stolen by a thirsty Bruce Springsteen. (see: multiple YouTube clips)

#4: The only musk heretofore left in an executive elevator will be Eau du Purell.

#3: Zero Risk of embarrassment forgetting how many cheeks to kiss when in Milan, Munich or Moscow.

#2: Finally a modern remake of the classic: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner via Zoom (Stay healthy, Mr. Poitier)

And…the #1 Silver Lining to COVID19: Not visiting your in-laws is, in fact, for THEIR own good. (I still love you, Nonna & Papa)

#COVID19 #WFH #GetInTheRace #LightenUpFrancis