People now largely crave immediate, tangible knowledge over repetitious historical references.

Why are we still calling it a market “correction?”

Downtrend in university model will accelerate, force hand of administrations to pivot to automation/AI and e-learning at a deep discount to current sticker prices. Select institutions will become ultra-exclusive intellectual “clubs” with commensurate “initiation and dues.”

Values + beliefs + community determine lifestyle.

If our lives were tracked by a GPS device, would it permit wrong turns and deviations to the route more favorably than we do ourselves?

Olympic athletes have had over a year to solely rest, train and condition. Tokyo 2021 will be the year many records are smashed.

Working on the business must be kept separate and distinct from working in the business.

What is confidence? What is risk? What is comfort? What is enough?

UBI is all at once: a major flex, effectively raising the minimum wage, causing scarcity of labor, and, disenfranchising over the long haul.

When we don’t grow, we die.

Will I ever call it Citi Field? Probably not – New Shea.

Il Punto: Caffeine and a new daily workout regime take a few days to harmonize. I will be laying off the caffeine again for focus sake.